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Our Services

Services Rendered by Each Section


Administration Section runs under the administration of Senior Manager (Human Resources and Legal). The approved cadre of the entity is 190 and all administrative functions required for this cadre is performed by the Administrative Section. This Section is responsible for a host of duties such as recruitment of workers, confirmation in service, promotion, retirement, disciplinary control and worker training programs etc.

Awareness conferences were held and training opportunities granted during this year in order to enhance worker performance. Opportunities were granted to Circle Leaders appointed for the Training Workshops on Productivity conducted by Productivity Secretariat. This brought about positive changes in the working environment through enhancement of efficiency in the entity, improvement of amity among workers and creation of an orderly fashion in duties performed. In addition, other worker training programs were also operated during year 2012.

Bonus payments were made for employees in the entity for some 30 years since even before the time it was taken over by the government, and this payment was continued without taking the factors of production data or attendance for service into consideration. In its place, an arrangement has been made at present to make annual bonus payments taking worker efficiency into consideration. It is a matter of pleasure that we have been able to build up confidence on Management through constant action required for close relations between employees and employers

Recruitment during the year 2012 for the posts fallen vacant in the approved cadre are as follows.

Category of Service No. Recruited
Manager MM 1-1 01
Junior Manager JM 1-1 01
Management Assistant (Technical) MA-2-1 01
Management Assistant (Non-Technical) MA-1-1 01
Primary (Non-skilled) PL-1 08


An officer of the Junior Manager Level was promoted to Manager Level under the promotions granted in the cadre.


A Supervisor, 04 General Labourers and 02 Packing Employees have retired from service during the year.

Human resource of the Thriposha Ltd.

Before the emergence of the Revolution for Freedom of Thought, labourers who worked in the factories throughout the world had to suffer a very low standard of life by shredding their sweat and working as slaves. There were no facilities at all for the workforce during that period of economy with exploitation of human labour. 18 Gradually, the world woke up to the need of freedom and free thought and with the recognition of human labor, the workers claimed comparatively a higher bargaining power.

The "cadre" then has turned out to be "human resource" today. Personnel Management has turned out to be Human Resource Management. We identify also the human resource in the Thriposha Ltd., as a very valuable asset. We are pleased to have a human resource which is fully dedicated for rendering a valuable service to the beneficiaries by up grading renown of the Company and protecting it.

Our institution may be identified as an entity which renders its service based on a production process. Our team of workers is diligently engaged in a day and night continuation of a process of production for the purpose of timely distribution of Thriposha supplementary food for some million beneficiaries living in villages and colonies. Thriposha Management is frequently on the look out for providing necessary facilities to our human resource made of such a team.

The total cadre approved by the Department of Management Services for our institution is approximately 190 personnel. It is this limited team which actively provides its contribution for the entire process of production and distribution of some 17,000 Metric Tons of Thriposha per year for the beneficiaries scattered throughout the island. Our staff performs a noble national role in the mission of enhancing the nutrition power of the Nation through this nutritious food produced very cleanly for the child in the mother’s womb, the pregnant mother and to the breast feeding mother for her infant suffering from nutrition requirements and for small children suffering from such nutrition requirements.

Services Rendered by Each Section


Accounts Section is responsible for Finance Administration of the institution. Administered under the Manager (Finance), this Section has a Finance Officer and an Accounts Officers to assist him. The functions of this Section are the activities pertaining to a Finance Section including preparation of annual budget estimates and control of expenditure under such estimates.

Receipt of Provisions

The amount reimbursed during the year 2012 as provisions received from the Ministry of Health for financial purposes in Sri Lanka Thriposha Ltd., is Rs.1,283,090,315.91/-. Further, the income received during the year through the sale of sweeping suitable for animal consumption and other materials is Rs. 21,433,055.24/-. Accordingly, the annual income of the Thriposha Company is Rs. 1,304,523,371.15/-. Salaries and Welfare activities An amount of Rs. 4,900,000/= has been granted to employees in the institution as housing loans under Salary Credit Advance and an amount of Rs. 5,775,000/- as welfare loans. Further, Distress Loans have also been granted to a value of Rs.1,425,000/-. The amount spent for worker salaries during the year is Rs.52,586,092.22 and Rs. 13,185,822.78 for cost of living etc. An amount of Rs.15,165,808.88 has been paid during the year for Overtime. The contribution for the Employees’ Provident Fund during the year amounted to Rs. 4,963,715.75 and the amount credited to the Employees’ Trust Fund is Rs. 1,240,928.90. 19

Services Rendered by Each Section


Quality Control Section functions under the Manager (Quality Preservation). Thriposha additional food which is used as an additional food for pregnant mothers,breast feeding mothers, infants and patients etc., should be prepared cleanly and with a proper standard under strict quality inspections. Therefore, the Quality Control Section should perform a massive role for this purpose under constant inspections.

First of all, raw materials including maize, soya beans etc., required for Thriposha production are thoroughly checked for proper standard in taking over to the manufactory from suppliers. The checking also includes microbe testing, physical testing and other testing in the Laboratory.

There are many instances when the containers of substandard raw materials brought to be produced to the Thriposha Company happen to be returned for the reason that such raw materials are proved to be not up to the standard expected. The process of production of Thriposha additional food is started by using raw materials in proper standard. Frequent sample testing is done at the Laboratory and Thriposha, in very good condition, is ultimately transferred to the Packing Section. Quality testing process runs up to the final stage of issuing Thriposha additional food to be distributed to beneficiaries. It is as a result of this process that Thriposha has become a fresh, tasty, nutritious and splendid additional food in high standard.

Services Rendered by Each Section


Packing of Thriposha powder, processed to be suitable for consumption at the end of all stages to be passed at the Production Section, for distribution to beneficiaries is done at the Packing Section. Packing is done manually as well as mechanically.

Workers at the Packing Section are engaged in measuring of Thriposha routed to the Packing tanks after preparation to the level suitable for consumption and packing them into 750g packets. Hygiene of the workers in this Section is a priority 20 consideration. Health of these workers is thoroughly checked by the Medical Unit established in Thriposha Company. Full attention is paid to their cleanliness of nails, body and ailments they are undergoing

Workers at the Packing Section should wear masks covering mouth, head covers and aprons to cover the body. Packing of Thriposha is done in these special kits in an air conditioned premise. It is in order to fully ensure the hygiene of Thriposha additional food that respiratory ailments etc. are checked up well.

Services Rendered by Each Section


Production Section